Source code for pghistory.core

"""Core functionality and interface of pghistory"""
import copy
import re
import sys
import warnings

from django.apps import apps
from django.db import connection
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import sql
from django.db.models.fields.related import RelatedField
from django.db.models.sql import compiler
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
import pgtrigger
from psycopg2.extensions import AsIs

from pghistory import config, constants, trigger, utils

_registered_trackers = {}

def _get_name_from_label(label):
    """Given a history event label, generate a trigger name"""
    if label:
        return re.sub("[^0-9a-zA-Z]+", "_", label)
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        return None

[docs]class Tracker: """For tracking an event when a condition happens on a model.""" label = None def __init__(self, label=None): self.label = label or self.label or self.__class__.__name__.lower()
[docs] def setup(self, event_model): """Set up the tracker for the event model""" pass
[docs] def pghistory_setup(self, event_model): """Registers the tracker for the event model and calls user-defined setup""" tracked_model = event_model.pgh_tracked_model if (tracked_model, self.label) in _registered_trackers: raise ValueError( f'Tracker with label "{self.label}" already exists' f' for model "{tracked_model._meta.label}". Supply a' " different label as the first argument to the tracker." ) _registered_trackers[(tracked_model, self.label)] = event_model self.setup(event_model)
[docs]class ManualTracker(Tracker): """For manually tracking an event."""
[docs]class Event(Tracker): """The deprecated base class for event trackers. Use `Tracker` instead""" def __init__(self, label=None): warnings.warn( "The django-pghistory 'Event' class is deprecated and renamed to 'Tracker'.", DeprecationWarning, ) super().__init__(label=label)
[docs]class DatabaseTracker(Tracker): """For tracking an event automatically based on database changes.""" when = None condition = None operation = None snapshot = None def __init__( self, label=None, *, when=None, condition=None, operation=None, snapshot=None, ): super().__init__(label=label) self.when = when or self.when self.condition = condition or self.condition self.operation = operation or self.operation self.snapshot = snapshot or self.snapshot
[docs] def setup(self, event_model): pgtrigger.register( trigger.Event( event_model=event_model, label=self.label, name=_get_name_from_label(self.label), snapshot=self.snapshot, when=self.when, operation=self.operation, condition=self.condition, ) )(event_model.pgh_tracked_model)
[docs]class DatabaseEvent(DatabaseTracker): """ The deprecated base class for all trigger-based trackers. Use `DatabaseTracker` instead. """ def __init__( self, label=None, *, when=None, condition=None, operation=None, snapshot=None, ): # pragma: no cover warnings.warn( "The django-pghistory 'DatabaseEvent' class is deprecated and renamed to" " 'DatabaseTracker'.", DeprecationWarning, ) super().__init__( label=label, when=when, condition=condition, operation=operation, snapshot=snapshot, )
[docs]class Snapshot(DatabaseTracker): """ Tracks changes to fields. A snapshot tracker tracks inserts and updates. It ensures that no duplicate rows are created with a pre-configured condition. NOTE: Two triggers are created since Insert triggers do not allow comparison against the OLD values. We could also place this in one trigger and do the condition in the plpgsql code. """ def __init__(self, label=None): return super().__init__(label=label)
[docs] def setup(self, event_model): insert_trigger = trigger.Event( event_model=event_model, label=self.label, name=_get_name_from_label(f"{self.label}_insert"), snapshot="NEW", when=pgtrigger.After, operation=pgtrigger.Insert, ) event_fields = [ for field in event_model._meta.fields if not"pgh_") ] tracked_fields = [ for field in event_model.pgh_tracked_model._meta.fields] if set(event_fields) == set(tracked_fields): condition = pgtrigger.Condition("OLD.* IS DISTINCT FROM NEW.*") else: condition = pgtrigger.Q() for field in event_fields: if hasattr(event_model.pgh_tracked_model, field): condition |= pgtrigger.Q(**{f"old__{field}__df": pgtrigger.F(f"new__{field}")}) update_trigger = trigger.Event( event_model=event_model, label=self.label, name=_get_name_from_label(f"{self.label}_update"), snapshot="NEW", when=pgtrigger.After, operation=pgtrigger.Update, condition=condition, ) pgtrigger.register(insert_trigger, update_trigger)(event_model.pgh_tracked_model)
class PreconfiguredDatabaseTracker(DatabaseTracker): """ A base database tracker that only takes a condition. Subclasses preconfigure the other parameters """ def __init__(self, label=None, *, condition=None): return super().__init__(label=label, condition=condition)
[docs]class AfterInsertOrUpdate(PreconfiguredDatabaseTracker): """ A database tracker that happens after insert/update """ operation = pgtrigger.Insert | pgtrigger.Update snapshot = "NEW"
[docs]class AfterInsert(PreconfiguredDatabaseTracker): """For trackers that fire after a database insert""" operation = pgtrigger.Insert snapshot = "NEW"
[docs]class BeforeUpdate(PreconfiguredDatabaseTracker): """ For trackers that fire before a database update. The OLD values of the row will be snapshot to the event model """ operation = pgtrigger.Update snapshot = "OLD"
[docs]class AfterUpdate(PreconfiguredDatabaseTracker): """ For trackers that fire after a database update. The NEW values of the row will be snapshot to the event model """ operation = pgtrigger.Update snapshot = "NEW"
[docs]class BeforeDelete(PreconfiguredDatabaseTracker): """ For trackers that fire before a database deletion. """ operation = pgtrigger.Delete snapshot = "OLD"
def _pascalcase(string): """Convert string into pascal case.""" string = re.sub(r"^[\-_\.]", "", str(string)) if not string: # pragma: no branch return string return string[0].upper() + re.sub( r"[\-_\.\s]([a-z])", lambda matched:, string[1:], ) def _generate_event_model_name(base_model, tracked_model, fields): """Generates a default history model name""" name = tracked_model._meta.object_name if fields: name += "_" + "_".join(fields) name += f"_{base_model._meta.object_name.lower()}" return _pascalcase(name) def _get_field_construction(field): _, _, args, kwargs = field.deconstruct() if isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey): default = config.foreign_key_field() elif isinstance(field, RelatedField): # pragma: no cover default = config.related_field() else: default = config.field() kwargs.update(default.kwargs) cls = field.__class__ if isinstance(field, models.OneToOneField): cls = models.ForeignKey elif isinstance(field, models.FileField): kwargs.pop("primary_key", None) for field_class, exclude_kwargs in config.exclude_field_kwargs().items(): if isinstance(field, field_class): for exclude_kwarg in exclude_kwargs: kwargs.pop(exclude_kwarg, None) return cls, args, kwargs def _generate_history_field(tracked_model, field): """ When generating a history model from a tracked model, ensure the fields are set up properly so that related names and other information from the tracked model do not cause errors. """ field = tracked_model._meta.get_field(field) if isinstance(field, models.AutoField): return models.IntegerField() elif isinstance(field, models.BigAutoField): # pragma: no cover return models.BigIntegerField() elif not field.concrete: # pragma: no cover # Django doesn't have any non-concrete fields that appear # in ._meta.fields, but packages like django-prices have # non-concrete fields return field # The "swappable" field causes issues during deconstruct() # since it tries to load models. Patch it and set it back to the original # value later field = copy.deepcopy(field) swappable = getattr(field, "swappable", constants.UNSET) field.swappable = False cls, args, kwargs = _get_field_construction(field) field = cls(*args, **kwargs) if swappable is not constants.UNSET: field.swappable = swappable return field def _generate_related_name(base_model, fields): """ Generates a related name to the tracking model based on the base model and traked fields """ related_name = base_model._meta.object_name.lower() return "_".join(fields) + f"_{related_name}" if fields else related_name def _validate_event_model_path(*, app_label, model_name, abstract): if app_label not in apps.app_configs: raise ValueError(f'App label "{app_label}" is invalid') app = apps.app_configs[app_label] models_module = app.module.__name__ + ".models" if not abstract and hasattr(sys.modules[models_module], model_name): raise ValueError( f"App {app_label} already has {model_name} model. You must" " explicitly declare an unused model name for the pghistory model." ) elif models_module.startswith("django."): raise ValueError( "A history model cannot be generated under third party app" f' "{app_label}". You must explicitly pass an app label' " when configuring tracking." ) def _get_obj_field(*, obj_field, tracked_model, obj_fk, related_name, base_model, fields): if obj_fk is not constants.UNSET: warnings.warn( "The django-pghistory 'obj_fk' argument is deprecated. Use 'obj_field' instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return obj_fk elif obj_field is None: # pragma: no cover return None elif obj_field is constants.UNSET: obj_field = config.obj_field() if related_name is not None: warnings.warn( "The django-pghistory 'related_name' argument is deprecated. Use the" " 'related_name' option of 'obj_field' instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) if obj_field._kwargs.get("related_name", constants.DEFAULT) == constants.DEFAULT: obj_field._kwargs["related_name"] = related_name or _generate_related_name( base_model, fields ) if isinstance(obj_field, config.ObjForeignKey): return models.ForeignKey(tracked_model, **obj_field.kwargs) else: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError("obj_field must be of type pghistory.ObjForeignKey.") def _get_context_field(*, context_field, context_fk): if context_fk is not constants.UNSET: warnings.warn( "The django-pghistory 'context_fk' argument is deprecated. Use " "'context_field' instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return context_fk elif context_field is None: # pragma: no cover return None elif context_field is constants.UNSET: context_field = config.context_field() if isinstance(context_field, config.ContextForeignKey): return models.ForeignKey("pghistory.Context", **context_field.kwargs) elif isinstance(context_field, config.ContextJSONField): return utils.JSONField(**context_field.kwargs) else: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError( "context_field must be of type pghistory.ContextForeignKey" " or pghistory.ContextJSONField." ) def _get_context_id_field(*, context_id_field): if context_id_field is None: return None elif context_id_field is constants.UNSET: # pragma: no branch context_id_field = config.context_id_field() if isinstance(context_id_field, config.ContextUUIDField): return models.UUIDField(**context_id_field.kwargs) else: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError("context_id_field must be of type pghistory.ContextUUIDField.")
[docs]def create_event_model( tracked_model, *trackers, fields=None, exclude=None, obj_fk=constants.UNSET, context_fk=constants.UNSET, obj_field=constants.UNSET, context_field=constants.UNSET, context_id_field=constants.UNSET, related_name=None, name=None, model_name=None, app_label=None, base_model=None, attrs=None, meta=None, abstract=True, ): """ Obtain a base event model. Instead of using `pghistory.track`, which dynamically generates an event model, one can instead construct a event model themselves, which will also set up event tracking for the tracked model. Args: tracked_model (models.Model): The model that is being tracked. *trackers (List[`Tracker`]): The event trackers. When using any tracker that inherits `pghistory.DatabaseTracker`, such as `pghistory.AfterInsert`, a Postgres trigger will be installed that automatically tracks the event with a generated event model. Trackers that do not inherit `pghistory.DatabaseTracker` are assumed to have manual events created by the user. fields (List[str], default=None): The list of fields to snapshot when the event takes place. When no fields are provided, the entire model is snapshot when the event happens. Note that snapshotting of the OLD or NEW row is configured by the ``snapshot`` attribute of the `DatabaseTracker` object. Manual events must specify these fields during manual creation. exclude (List[str], default=None): Instead of providing a list of fields to snapshot, a user can instead provide a list of fields to not snapshot. obj_field (pghistory.ObjForeignKey, default=unset): The foreign key field configuration that references the tracked object. Defaults to an unconstrained non-nullable foreign key. Use ``None`` to create a event model with no reference to the tracked object. context_field (Union[pghistory.ContextForeignKey, pghistory.ContextJSONField], default=unset): The context field configuration. Defaults to a nullable unconstrained foreign key. Use ``None`` to avoid attaching historical context altogether. context_id_field (pghistory.ContextUUIDField, default=unset): The context ID field configuration when using a ContextJSONField for the context_field. When using a denormalized context field, the ID field is used to track the UUID of the context. Use ``None`` to avoid using this field for denormalized context. model_name (str, default=None): Use a custom model name when the event model is generated. Otherwise a default name based on the tracked model and fields will be created. app_label (str, default=None): The app_label for the generated event model. Defaults to the app_label of the tracked model. Note, when tracking a Django model (User) or a model of a third-party app, one must manually specify the app_label of an internal app to use so that migrations work properly. base_model (models.Model, default=pghistory.models.Event): The base model for the event model. Must inherit pghistory.models.Event. attrs (dict, default=None): Additional attributes to add to the event model meta (dict, default=None): Additional attributes to add to the Meta class of the event model. abstract (bool, default=True): ``True`` if the generated model should be an abstract model. Example: Create a manual event model:: class MyEventModel(create_event_model( TrackedModel, pghistory.AfterInsert('model_create'), )): # Add custom indices or change default field declarations... """ # noqa event_model = import_string("pghistory.models.Event") base_model = base_model or config.base_model() assert issubclass(base_model, event_model) obj_field = _get_obj_field( obj_field=obj_field, tracked_model=tracked_model, obj_fk=obj_fk, related_name=related_name, base_model=base_model, fields=fields, ) context_field = _get_context_field(context_field=context_field, context_fk=context_fk) context_id_field = _get_context_id_field(context_id_field=context_id_field) if name is not None: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn( "The 'name' argument for pghistory.create_event_model is" " deprecated. Use the 'model_name' argument", DeprecationWarning, ) model_name = name model_name = model_name or _generate_event_model_name(base_model, tracked_model, fields) app_label = app_label or tracked_model._meta.app_label _validate_event_model_path(app_label=app_label, model_name=model_name, abstract=abstract) app = apps.app_configs[app_label] models_module = app.module.__name__ + ".models" attrs = attrs or {} attrs.update({"pgh_trackers": trackers}) meta = meta or {} exclude = exclude or [] fields = fields or [ for f in tracked_model._meta.fields if not in exclude] class_attrs = { "__module__": models_module, "Meta": type("Meta", (), {"abstract": abstract, "app_label": app_label, **meta}), "pgh_tracked_model": tracked_model, **{field: _generate_history_field(tracked_model, field) for field in fields}, **attrs, } if isinstance(context_field, utils.JSONField) and context_id_field: class_attrs["pgh_context_id"] = context_id_field if context_field: class_attrs["pgh_context"] = context_field if obj_field: class_attrs["pgh_obj"] = obj_field event_model = type(model_name, (base_model,), class_attrs) if not abstract: setattr(sys.modules[models_module], model_name, event_model) return event_model
def get_event_model(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "The django-pghistory 'get_event_model' function is deprecated. Use" " 'create_event_model' instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return create_event_model(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def ProxyField(proxy, field): """ Proxies a JSON field from a model and adds it as a field in the queryset. Args: proxy (str): The value to proxy, e.g. "user__email" field (Type[django.models.Field]): The field that will be used to cast the resulting value """ if not isinstance(field, models.Field): # pragma: no cover raise TypeError(f'"{field}" is not a Django model Field instace') field.pgh_proxy = proxy return field
[docs]def track( *trackers, fields=None, exclude=None, obj_fk=constants.UNSET, context_fk=constants.UNSET, obj_field=constants.UNSET, context_field=constants.UNSET, context_id_field=constants.UNSET, related_name=None, model_name=None, app_label=None, base_model=None, attrs=None, meta=None, ): """ A decorator for tracking events for a model. When using this decorator, an event model is dynamically generated that snapshots the entire model or supplied fields of the model based on the ``events`` supplied. The snapshot is accompanied with the label that identifies the event. Args: *trackers (List[`Tracker`]): The event trackers. When using any tracker that inherits `pghistory.DatabaseTracker`, such as `pghistory.AfterInsert`, a Postgres trigger will be installed that automatically tracks the event with a generated event model. Trackers that do not inherit `pghistory.DatabaseTracker` are assumed to have manual events created by the user. fields (List[str], default=None): The list of fields to snapshot when the event takes place. When no fields are provided, the entire model is snapshot when the event happens. Note that snapshotting of the OLD or NEW row is configured by the ``snapshot`` attribute of the `DatabaseTracker` object. Manual events must specify these fields during manual creation. exclude (List[str], default=None): Instead of providing a list of fields to snapshot, a user can instead provide a list of fields to not snapshot. obj_field (pghistory.ObjForeignKey, default=unset): The foreign key field configuration that references the tracked object. Defaults to an unconstrained non-nullable foreign key. Use ``None`` to create a event model with no reference to the tracked object. context_field (Union[pghistory.ContextForeignKey, pghistory.ContextJSONField], default=unset): The context field configuration. Defaults to a nullable unconstrained foreign key. Use ``None`` to avoid attaching historical context altogether. context_id_field (pghistory.ContextUUIDField, default=unset): The context ID field configuration when using a ContextJSONField for the context_field. When using a denormalized context field, the ID field is used to track the UUID of the context. Use ``None`` to avoid using this field for denormalized context. model_name (str, default=None): Use a custom model name when the event model is generated. Otherwise a default name based on the tracked model and fields will be created. app_label (str, default=None): The app_label for the generated event model. Defaults to the app_label of the tracked model. Note, when tracking a Django model (User) or a model of a third-party app, one must manually specify the app_label of an internal app to use so that migrations work properly. base_model (models.Model, default=`pghistory.models.Event`): The base model for the event model. Must inherit `pghistory.models.Event`. attrs (dict, default=None): Additional attributes to add to the event model meta (dict, default=None): Additional attributes to add to the Meta class of the event model. """ # noqa def _model_wrapper(model_class): create_event_model( model_class, *trackers, fields=fields, exclude=exclude, obj_fk=obj_fk, context_fk=context_fk, obj_field=obj_field, context_field=context_field, context_id_field=context_id_field, model_name=model_name, related_name=related_name, app_label=app_label, abstract=False, base_model=base_model, attrs=attrs, meta=meta, ) return model_class return _model_wrapper
class _InsertEventCompiler(compiler.SQLInsertCompiler): def as_sql(self, *args, **kwargs): ret = super().as_sql(*args, **kwargs) assert len(ret) == 1 params = [ param if != "pgh_context" else AsIs("_pgh_attach_context()") for field, param in zip(self.query.fields, ret[0][1]) ] return [(ret[0][0], params)]
[docs]def create_event(obj, *, label, using="default"): """Manually create a event for an object. Events are automatically linked with any context being tracked via `pghistory.context`. Args: obj (models.Model): An instance of a model. label (str): The event label. Raises: ValueError: If the event label has not been registered for the model. Returns: models.Model: The created event model. """ # Verify that the provided label is tracked if (obj.__class__, label) not in _registered_trackers: raise ValueError( f'"{label}" is not a registered tracker label for model {obj._meta.object_name}.' ) event_model = _registered_trackers[(obj.__class__, label)] event_model_kwargs = { "pgh_label": label, **{ field.attname: getattr(obj, field.attname) for field in event_model._meta.fields if not"pgh_") }, } if hasattr(event_model, "pgh_obj"): event_model_kwargs["pgh_obj"] = obj event_obj = event_model(**event_model_kwargs) # The event model is inserted manually with a custom SQL compiler # that attaches the context using the _pgh_attach_context # stored procedure. Django does not allow one to use F() # objects to reference stored procedures, so we have to # inject it with a custom SQL compiler here. query = sql.InsertQuery(event_model) query.insert_values( [field for field in event_model._meta.fields if not isinstance(field, models.AutoField)], [event_obj], ) vals = _InsertEventCompiler(query, connection, using="default").execute_sql( event_model._meta.fields ) # Django <= 2.2 does not support returning fields from a bulk create, # which requires us to fetch fields again to populate the context if isinstance(vals, int): # pragma: no cover return event_model.objects.get(pgh_id=vals) else: # Django >= 3.1 returns the values as a list of one element if isinstance(vals, list) and len(vals) == 1: # pragma: no branch vals = vals[0] for field, val in zip(event_model._meta.fields, vals): setattr(event_obj, field.attname, val) return event_obj
def event_models( models=None, references_model=None, tracks_model=None, include_missing_pgh_obj=False ): """ Retrieve and filter all events models. Args: models (List[Model], default=None): The starting list of event models. references_model (Model, default=None): Filter by event models that reference this model. tracks_model (Model, default=None): Filter by models that directly track this model and have pgh_obj fields including_missing_pgh_obj (bool, default=False): Return tracked models even if the pgh_obj field is not available. """ from pghistory.models import Event, BaseAggregateEvent # noqa models = models or [ model for model in apps.get_models() if issubclass(model, Event) and not issubclass(model, BaseAggregateEvent) and not model._meta.abstract and not model._meta.proxy and model._meta.managed ] if references_model: models = [ model for model in models if any(utils.related_model(field) == references_model for field in model._meta.fields) ] if tracks_model and not include_missing_pgh_obj: models = [ model for model in models if "pgh_obj" in ( for f in model._meta.fields) and utils.related_model(model._meta.get_field("pgh_obj")) == tracks_model ] elif tracks_model and include_missing_pgh_obj: models = [ model for model in models if model.pgh_tracked_model._meta.concrete_model == tracks_model ] return models