Source code for pghistory.config

"""Core way to access configuration"""
from django.apps import apps
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

from pghistory import constants

def middleware_methods():
    Methods tracked by the pghistory middleware
    return getattr(

def json_encoder():
    """The JSON encoder when tracking context"""
    encoder = getattr(
        settings, "PGHISTORY_JSON_ENCODER", "django.core.serializers.json.DjangoJSONEncoder"

    if isinstance(encoder, str):  # pragma: no branch
        encoder = import_string(encoder)

    return encoder

def base_model():
    """The base model for event models"""
    event_model = import_string("pghistory.models.Event")
    base_model = getattr(settings, "PGHISTORY_BASE_MODEL", event_model)

    if isinstance(base_model, str):  # pragma: no cover
        base_model = import_string(base_model)

    assert issubclass(base_model, event_model)
    return base_model

def field():
    """The default configuration for all fields in event models"""
    field = getattr(settings, "PGHISTORY_FIELD", Field())
    assert isinstance(field, Field)
    return field

def related_field():
    """The default configuration for related fields in event models"""
    related_field = getattr(settings, "PGHISTORY_RELATED_FIELD", RelatedField())
    assert isinstance(related_field, RelatedField)
    return related_field

def foreign_key_field():
    """The default configuration for foreign keys in event models"""
    foreign_key_field = getattr(settings, "PGHISTORY_FOREIGN_KEY_FIELD", ForeignKey())
    assert isinstance(foreign_key_field, ForeignKey)
    return foreign_key_field

def context_field():
    """The default field config to use for context in event models"""

    # Note: We will be changing the default context field to have on_delete=PROTECT
    # in version 3.
    context_field = getattr(settings, "PGHISTORY_CONTEXT_FIELD", ContextForeignKey())
    assert isinstance(context_field, (ContextForeignKey, ContextJSONField))
    return context_field

def context_id_field():
    The default field config to use for context ID in event models when context is denormalized

    context_id_field = getattr(settings, "PGHISTORY_CONTEXT_ID_FIELD", ContextUUIDField())
    assert isinstance(context_id_field, ContextUUIDField)
    return context_id_field

def obj_field():
    """The default field config to use for object references in event models"""

    obj_field = getattr(settings, "PGHISTORY_OBJ_FIELD", ObjForeignKey())
    assert isinstance(obj_field, ObjForeignKey)
    return obj_field

def exclude_field_kwargs():
    Provide a mapping of field classes to a list of keyword args to ignore
    when instantiating the field on the event model.

    For example, a field may not allow ``unique`` as a keyword argument.
    If so, set ``settings.PGHISTORY_EXCLUDE_FIELD_KWARGS = {"field.FieldClass": ["unique"]}``
    exclude_field_kwargs = getattr(settings, "PGHISTORY_EXCLUDE_FIELD_KWARGS", {})
    assert isinstance(exclude_field_kwargs, dict)
    for val in exclude_field_kwargs.values():
        assert isinstance(val, (list, tuple))

    # Import strings
    exclude_field_kwargs = {
        import_string(key) if isinstance(key, str) else key: value
        for key, value in exclude_field_kwargs.items()

    return exclude_field_kwargs

def admin_ordering():
    """The default ordering for the events admin"""
    ordering = getattr(settings, "PGHISTORY_ADMIN_ORDERING", "-pgh_created_at") or []

    if not isinstance(ordering, (list, tuple)):
        ordering = [ordering]

    return ordering

def admin_model():
    """The default list display for the events admin"""
    return apps.get_model(getattr(settings, "PGHISTORY_ADMIN_MODEL", "pghistory.Events"))

def admin_queryset():
    """The default queryset for the events admin"""
    return getattr(
        settings, "PGHISTORY_ADMIN_QUERYSET", admin_model().objects.order_by(*admin_ordering())

def admin_class():
    """The admin class to use for the events admin.

    Must be a subclass of pghistory.admin.EventsAdmin"""

    events_admin = import_string("pghistory.admin.EventsAdmin")
    admin_class = getattr(settings, "PGHISTORY_ADMIN_CLASS", events_admin)

    if isinstance(admin_class, str):  # pragma: no cover
        admin_class = import_string(admin_class)

    assert issubclass(admin_class, events_admin)

    return admin_class

def admin_all_events():
    """True if all events should be shown in the admin when there are no filters"""
    return getattr(settings, "PGHISTORY_ADMIN_ALL_EVENTS", True)

def admin_list_display():
    """The default list display for the events admin"""
    defaults = ["pgh_created_at", "pgh_obj_model", "pgh_obj_id", "pgh_diff"]

    if admin_queryset().model._meta.label == "pghistory.MiddlewareEvents":
        defaults.extend(["user", "url"])

    return getattr(settings, "PGHISTORY_ADMIN_LIST_DISPLAY", defaults)

def _get_kwargs(vals):
    return {
        key: val
        for key, val in vals.items()
        if key not in ("self", "kwargs", "__class__") and val is not constants.UNSET

[docs]class Field: """Configuration for fields. Provides these default parameters: * **primary_key** (default=False) * **unique** (default=False) * **blank** * **null** * **db_index** (default=False) * **editable** * **unique_for_date** (default=None) * **unique_for_month** (default=None) * **unique_for_year** (default=None) The default values for the above parameters ensure that event models don't have unnecessary uniqueness constraints carried over from the tracked model. """ def __init__( self, *, primary_key=constants.UNSET, unique=constants.UNSET, blank=constants.UNSET, null=constants.UNSET, db_index=constants.UNSET, editable=constants.UNSET, unique_for_date=constants.UNSET, unique_for_month=constants.UNSET, unique_for_year=constants.UNSET, ): self._kwargs = _get_kwargs(locals()) self._finalized = False @property def kwargs(self): return { key: val for key, val in {**self.get_default_kwargs(), **self._kwargs}.items() if val is not constants.DEFAULT } def get_default_kwargs(self): return { **Field( primary_key=False, unique=False, db_index=False, unique_for_date=None, unique_for_month=None, unique_for_year=None, )._kwargs, **field()._kwargs, }
[docs]class RelatedField(Field): """Configuration for related fields. The following parameters can be used to configure defaults for all related fields: * **related_name** (default="+") * **related_query_name** (default="+") By default, related names are stripped to avoid unnecessary clashes. Note that all arguments from `Field` can also be supplied. """ def __init__( self, *, related_name=constants.UNSET, related_query_name=constants.UNSET, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._kwargs.update(_get_kwargs(locals())) def get_default_kwargs(self): return { **super().get_default_kwargs(), **RelatedField(related_name="+", related_query_name="+")._kwargs, **related_field()._kwargs, }
[docs]class ForeignKey(RelatedField): """Configuration for foreign keys. The following parameters can be used: * **on_delete** (default=models.DO_NOTHING) * **db_constraint** (default=False) Arguments for `RelatedField` and `Field` can also be supplied. Note that db_index is overridden to `True` for all foreign keys """ def __init__(self, *, on_delete=constants.UNSET, db_constraint=constants.UNSET, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._kwargs.update(_get_kwargs(locals())) def get_default_kwargs(self): return { **super().get_default_kwargs(), **ForeignKey(on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING, db_index=True, db_constraint=False)._kwargs, **foreign_key_field()._kwargs, }
[docs]class ContextForeignKey(ForeignKey): """Configuration for the ``pgh_context`` field when a foreign key is used. Overrides null to ``True``. """ def __init__(self, *, null=True, related_query_name=constants.DEFAULT, **kwargs): # Note: We will be changing the default context field to have on_delete=PROTECT # in version 3. super().__init__(null=null, related_query_name=related_query_name, **kwargs) self._kwargs.update(_get_kwargs(locals()))
[docs]class ContextJSONField(Field): """Configuration for the ``pgh_context`` field when denormalized context is used.""" def __init__(self, *, null=True, **kwargs): super().__init__(null=null, **kwargs) self._kwargs.update(_get_kwargs(locals()))
[docs]class ContextUUIDField(Field): """Configuration for the ``pgh_context_id`` field when denormalized context is used.""" def __init__(self, *, null=True, **kwargs): super().__init__(null=null, **kwargs) self._kwargs.update(_get_kwargs(locals()))
[docs]class ObjForeignKey(ForeignKey): """Configuration for the ``pgh_obj`` field""" def __init__( self, *, related_name=constants.DEFAULT, related_query_name=constants.DEFAULT, **kwargs ): # Note: We will be changing the default object field to nullable with on_delete=SET_NULL # in version 3. related_name will also default to "+" super().__init__( related_name=related_name, related_query_name=related_query_name, **kwargs ) self._kwargs.update(_get_kwargs(locals()))