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Version 2

To upgrade to version 2, the majority of people can simply run python makemigrations to make the migrations for the triggers. If, however, you are tracking third-party models, you will need to register trackers on proxy models. Otherwise trigger migrations will be created outside of your project.

Important - Please be sure you have django-pgtrigger>=4.5 installed, otherwise django-pghistory might be susceptible to some migration-related bugs

For example, this is how you can track changes to Django's user model:

# Track the user model, excluding the password field
class UserProxy(User):
    class Meta:
        proxy = True

The same syntax is also used for default many-to-many "through" models. For example, this is how one tracks changes to group add/remove events on the user model:

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
import pghistory

# Track add and remove events to user groups
class UserGroups(User.groups.through):
    class Meta:
        proxy = True

Maintaining legacy behavior

If you want to disable django-pgtrigger integration with migrations entirely, set settings.PGTRIGGER_MIGRATIONS to False. Setting this along with settings.PGTRIGGER_INSTALL_ON_MIGRATE to True will preserve the legacy behavior of how triggers were installed. It is not recommend to do this since migrations fix legacy trigger installation bugs.

Version 2.5

Although version 2.5 remains backwards compatible, it deprecates arguments and functionality in preparation for removal in version 3. Below are the deprecated changes.


  • The obj_fk argument is deprecated in favor of obj_field. The new argument must be supplied a pghistory.ObjForeignKey instance. See Configuring Event Models for more information on the new configuration methods.
  • The context_fk argument is deprecated in favor of context_field. The new argument must be a pghistory.ContextForeignKey. If you're denormalizing context, it must be a pghistory.ContextJSONField argument. See Configuring Event Models for more information on the new configuration methods and context denormalization.
  • The related_name argument is deprecated. Supply the related_name argument to the instance of the obj_field argument. For example, obj_field=pghistory.ObjForeignKey(related_name="events").





  • Deprecated and renamed to pghistory.DatabaseTracker.

Version 3

There are two big breaking pieces of version three:

  1. The deprecated code from version 2.5 was removed, meaning only the new configuration system and hierachy for event models can be used. See configuring event models for more information on how you can configure the default behavior of your event models using both settings and arguments to pghistory.track
  2. The pghistory.Snapshot tracker and every previous event tracker class was consolidated primarily into pghistory.InsertEvent, pghistory.UpdateEvent, and pghistory.DeleteEvent. pghistory.track also no longer requires an event tracker. It uses the default configuration. See the "New trackers" section below for how to migrate.

There are other subtle breaking changes:

  1. New default pgh_label label values for event trackers
  2. The replacement of the pghistory.Changed utility for creating conditions based on changes.
  3. Minor query behavior changes for the pghistory.models.Events event aggregation proxy model.

We cover all of these changes here in more detail, along with how to migrate or preserve old behavior.

Deprecated code removed

  • pghistory.Event was removed. Use pghistory.Tracker instead as the base class for custom trackers.
  • pghistory.DatabaseEvent was removed. Use pghistory.RowEvent instead to customize row-level database events. Note that pghistory.UpdateEvent, pghistory.InsertEvent, and pghistory.DeleteEvent may already suite needs of previous pghistory.DatabaseEvent usage.
  • pghistory.get_event_model was removed. Use pghistory.create_event_model instead.
  • The obj_fk argument to pghistory.create_event_model and pghistory.track was removed. Supply a pghistory.ObjForeignKey object to obj_field instead.
  • The context_fk argument to pghistory.create_event_model and pghistory.track was removed. Supply a pghistory.ContextForeignKey object to thecontext_field argument instead.
  • The related_name argument to pghistory.create_event_model and pghistory.track was removed. Use the related_name argument of the pghistory.ObjForeignKey class supplied to the object_field argument instead.
  • The name argument topghistory.create_event_model was removed. Use model_name instead.

New trackers

Previously django-pghistory had the following trackers:

  • pghistory.Snapshot for creating events based on inserts and updates to any tracked fields.
  • pghistory.AfterInsert, pghistory.AfterInsertOrUpdate, pghistory.AfterUpdate, pghistory.BeforeDelete, pghistory.BeforeUpdate, and pghistory.BeforeUpdateOrDelete for customizing event tracking.

All trackers have been replaced with pghistory.InsertEvent, pghistory.UpdateEvent, and pghistory.DeleteEvent. These utility classes already have defaults configured, and one can use pghistory.RowEvent to have no defaults configured for a custom row-level event.

For example, pghistory.track(pghistory.Snapshot()) is the same as doing pghistory.track(pghistory.InsertEvent(), pghistory.UpdateEvent()). pghistory.UpdateEvent, like the update trigger installed previously by pghistory.Snapshot, conditionally tracks updates only to the tracked model fields.


Previous usage of pghistory.track(pghistory.Snapshot()) can simply be replaced with pghistory.track(). See the next section for more details.

Trackers other than pghistory.Snapshot had no conditions configured by default. For example, pghistory.AfterUpdate would fire after every update of the tracked model regardless of what fields were being tracked in the event model. This is not the default behavior for pghistory.UpdateEvent, which only fires if tracked fields change. One must manually do pghistory.UpdateEvent(condition=None) to override this behavior or use a bare pghistory.RowEvent

With these subtle changes in mind, let's go over how to re-create the exact tracking behavior of the previous custom trackers:

  • pghistory.track(pghistory.AfterInsert()) = pghistory.track(pghistory.InsertEvent())
  • pghistory.track(pghistory.AfterInsertOrUpdate()) = pghistory.track(pghistory.InsertEvent(), pghistory.UpdateEvent(condition=None))
  • pghistory.track(pghistory.AfterUpdate()) = pghistory.track(pghistory.UpdateEvent(condition=None))
  • pghistory.track(pghistory.BeforeDelete()) = pghistory.track(pghistory.DeleteEvent)
  • pghistory.track(pghistory.BeforeUpdate()) = pghistory.track(pghistory.UpdateEvent(row=pghistory.Old, condition=None))
  • pghistory.track(pghistory.BeforeUpdateOrDelete()) = pghistory.track(pghistory.UpdateEvent(row=pghistory.Old, condition=None), pghistory.DeleteEvent())

New default trackers and default arguments to pghistory.track

Previously one had to provide a tracker to pghistory.track, which was usually pghistory.Snapshot. Now one can use pghistory.track with no arguments. The trackers default to settings.PGHISTORY_DEFAULT_TRACKERS, and this setting defaults to (pghistory.InsertEvent, pghistory.UpdateEvent()).

In other words, if you were using pghistory.track(pghistory.Snapshot()) and no other trackers, you can now just do pghistory.track().

New default label names

For those depending on the pgh_label field of events, the default label names have changed.

Previously pghistory.Snapshot would default to using "snapshot" as the label for both insert and updates. The new tracker classes default to using different labels as follows:

In other words, if you were previously using pghistory.track(pghistory.Snapshot()) and migrate to calling pghistory.track() with the default trackers, your new pgh_label values in your events will be "insert" and "update" depending on what tracker made the event.

If your application depends on these labels being named "snapshot", configure the following in your settings to retain the original behavior:


Replacement of pghistory.Changed

The pghistory.Changed class was a utility for creating conditions based on changes to the event model. This helped one more succinctly create conditions for trackers like pghistory.BeforeUpdate.

This condition utility is now a first-class citizen in django-pgtrigger, which now offers utility classes to create conditions based on field changes. These classes have been mirrored in django-pghistory:

The conditions have the following behavior:

  • If no fields are supplied, they default to the ones being tracked.
  • One can use exclude to exclude fields instead of supplying a list of fields.
  • One can use exclude_auto to automatically exclude auto_now and auto_now_add datetime fields from conditions.

By default, pghistory.UpdateEvent uses pghistory.AnyChange as its condition.

Query difference in pghistory.models.Events proxy aggregate model

When using pghistory.models.Events to aggregate events, one has the ability to render a diff between the current and previous event of the same event model. Previously the current and previous event would be determined by both the event model and the pgh_label of events.

Now the current and previous events are only determined only by those that share the same event model. The default usage of pghistory.track (i.e. formerly pghistory.track(pghistory.Snapshot())) has no real breaking changes, but usage of multiple event labels may see different diffs computed.